唯心聖教易經大學 行動版
Guiguzi Method in Taiwan
The Yang House Feng Shui



1. The dimension of the safe (length, width, and height) must correspond with the measurement marking of Cai on Lu Ban Tape Measure. The word of Cai represents fortune.
2. Do not place the safe in an obvious location close to the main entrance.
3. The safe should not face a stream or ditch that the water flows away from it. If it does, it will create financial problems.
4. The safe should be situated facing a busy area outside.
5. The safe should not face a bathroom, a refrigerator, or a stove.
6. The safe should be placed in the most secret place.
7. The location of a safe in an office or at home must comply with one's Chinese zodiac sign as follows:
Rat - the direction of Xu or Chou
Ox - the direction of Chen or Xu
Tiger - the direction of Yin or Mao
Rabbit - the direction of You or Shen
Dragon - the direction of Zi or Hai
Snake - the direction of Wu or Si
Horse - the direction of Zi or Hai
Sheep - the direction of Zi or Yin
Monkey - the direction of Wu or Si
Rooster - the direction of Xu or Chen
Dog - the direction of Wu or Si
Pig- the direction of Yin or Mao


行動版 | 電腦版 唯心聖教易經大學教務處

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