唯心聖教易經大學 行動版
Promoter of World Peace - Grand Master Huen-Yuan
How propagating Chinese culture contributes to world peace
Grand Master Huen-Yuan leads Weixinism to integrate different nations and ethnic groups.
Tracking back to the source; promoting Chinese culture; encouraging ethnic solidarity.     

IV. Grand Master Huen-Yuan leads Weixinism to integrate different nations and ethnic groups.

1. Actively moving toward the source; Promoting Chinese culture; Encouraging ethnic solidarity.

Wnified Chinese Ancestral Worship ceremony to Honor Ancestral Roots - inviting the Masters.(2010)Grand Master Huen-Yuan once declared, “Our school traces back to our origins. If we want world peace and harmony in the universe, we must know our roots.” Humankind must acknowledge its origins and show gratitude for the grace of its earliest ancestors. To this end, Grand Master Huen-Yuan has instructed his disciples since 2004 to pursue origins-related research. Research work includes:

(1) Trace the Chinese blood line, organize the genealogical chart for 15,615 family names, and list the 917 reign titles of all emperors of all historical Chinese dynasties.

(2) Trace the origin of the Chinese inheritance of Dharma. Trace the Chinese legacy back to the Kun-Lun (崑崙) and Fu-Xi (伏羲) civilizations that existed, respectively, some 14,000 and 7,800 years ago. Such permits cognizance of our history a further three thousand years in the past.

One result of our efforts was the discovery of the history of Fu-Xi, which originated the Yi-Ching and Eight Trigrams. This is the foundation of Grand Master Huen-Yuan’s conviction that, “Our school springs from the Kun-Lun civilization.” In addition to inheriting and continuing the Chinese legacies of Yi-Ching and Feng Shui, Weixinism also researches the ancient Fu-Xi Civilization and its early sources and heritage, which include ancient Kun-Lun, the Three Great Chinese Ancestor Civilization and Bodhisattva Wang Chan Lao Zu Culture. He delivers discourses on these civilizations and renews their spirit through his life. He further uses the power of religion to promote Cross-Strait peace and reunite different ethnic groups. His efforts include:

The holy seat of all 917 Chinese emperors in the history.Heavenly solemnity - the icons of the Three Great Chinese Ancestors.

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