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My House FengShui
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Guiguzi Method in Taiwan
The Yang House Feng Shui
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Office and Boss Desk
Office Desk     

Office and Boss Desk


1. The office is better located in a business district.
2. Avoid locating the office near a red light district.
3. The office decor should be simple.
4. The best colors for an office are cream and ivory.
5. A copy machine should not be placed at the tiger side.
6. Having a safe box face the main entrance implies the difficulties to hold on to the fortune.
7. If the water from a ditch or river near the office flows away from the safe door, the company will suffer financial losses.
8. Avoid locating a safe at an obvious place.
9. An office mirror facing directly the main entrance can cause fights and arguments in the office.
10. Mirrors should be placed at an area that is not well-lit.
11. Keep the hallway clean and free of clutter.
12. The color of the office desks should be soft.
13. The main entrances should be located on the dragon side.
14. Avoid putting a fish tank on the tiger side of the office or the desk.
15. The right side of a boss desk should not be against or too close to a wall. Otherwise, the boss will not be treated with respect.
16. Do not place a boss desk facing a bathroom wall.
17. A bathroom door should not open to either side of the boss desk.
18. The boss must not sit with his back to a bathroom wall.
19. The entrance door should not open directly to the desk from any direction. If it does, the boss will often feel uneasy.
20. Avoid positioning both the desk and the chair under a roof beam.
21. Both the chair and the desk should not have any cabinet corners aim at them.
22. Avoid having any nearby building corner point at the front or the back of the desk.
23. The boss should have an expansive space in front of his desk.
24. Keep the desk clean and tidy.
25. The ceiling of the boss office should be in simple design.
26. Do not place a folding screen in front of the desk.
27. Avoid having an office cabinet in front of the desk. If there are any trophies in the boss office, they should be kept inside a cabinet.
28. Placing a mirror right in front of the desk will put the boss in a state of uneasiness.
29. A mirror inside the boss office aiming at the entrance can create arguments and problems.
30. Avoid placing flags at the rear right side of the boss desk.
31. Flags in the boss office should be put at the rear left side or on either side of the desk.
32. A copy machine should not be located on the right side of the desk.
33. Avoid installing an air conditioner or a ventilation fan on the right side of the desk.
34. The coffee table in the boss office should be parallel to the desk.
35. Avoid having flagpoles or electricity poles right outside a window that is in front of the desk.
36. Avoid having any movement behind the boss seat.
37. A fish tank should not be placed on the desk.
38. Avoid situating the boss office or desk right under an upstairs stove or bathroom.
39. Avoid situating the boss office or desk above a downstairs stove or bathroom.
40. The boss office or desk should not be above or under a machinery room.
41. Avoid having a straight alley leading from any direction to the boss office or desk.
42. Do not locate the boss office or desk next to a garbage incineration plant.
43. Avoid situating the boss office or desk next to a bathroom.
44. If the boss office locates at the front of the employee desks, the boss will not be respected as it should be.
45. Avoid having any machines or motor pumps on the right side of the boss office.
46. Avoid situating the boss office under an upstairs pond.
47. Too many pictures inside the boss office will create a messy look.
48. Avoid having any vine plants in the boss office.


Office Desk


1. Having a desk with a luxurious look is not practical and will create greediness.
2. The ideal height of the desk is 64cm or 85cm.
3. The desk color should match the light in the office.
4. Neither the desk nor the person should sit under a roof beam.
5. The desk should not face a ditch that the water flows away from it.
6. The auspicious location of a desk is where the water, e.g. a river, flows towards it. It symbolizes fortune.
7. Neither side of the desk should face a bathroom door.
8. Do not sit with the back to a bathroom door.
9. Do not sit with the back to a bathroom wall.
10. The desk must not face an entrance door.
11. Do not place the right side of the desk against a wall. Otherwise, the person who sits there will have troubles and be treated with little respect.
12. It is better to place the left side of a desk against a wall and things will go smoothly.
13. Placing a big white paper on the desk will make the person impatient.
14. It is better not to have any movement behind the boss desk. If it does, the boss will often feel uneasy.
15. Avoid having any corner of cabinets or walls point at the front of the desk.
16. Avoid locating the desk under the Buddha statues in the upstairs home shrine.
17. The more movements behind the sales person’s desk, the better fortune for the company.
18. There should not be any movement behind the bookkeeper desk.
19. The tiger side of the desk should be serene and the items placed on this area should be lower than the ones on the dragon side.
20. The telephone and desk lamp should be placed on the dragon side of the desk.


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